The voters of right-wing populist parties have been examined in a study at the University of Jena. The AfD and similar parties are on the rise in regions with a long-term decline in prosperity.

Economic decline is a win for populism

Researchers search for motives in the electorate of right-wing populist parties
The voters of right-wing populist parties have been examined in a study at the University of Jena. The AfD and similar parties are on the rise in regions with a long-term decline in prosperity.
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Those who live in economically disconnected towns and regions are more likely to vote for right-wing populist parties. This is a common theory that would explain the electoral success of Alternative for Germany (AfD) and similar parties throughout Europe. A team of researchers from the University of Jena have found that the high percentage of votes received by the AfD in the last two federal elections is apparently attributable to a long-term decline in a region's relative prosperity.

By Sebastian Hollstein

As the feeling of neglect perceived in places that seem to have been left behind often extends far beyond a voter's own lifetime, the economics researchers assume that voters of right-wing populist parties are driven by a sort of collective memory.

Their work focused on a period spanning almost a hundred years. After obtaining data on regional per-capita income in 1925 and the federal election years of 2017 and 2021, they compared the regional income levels recorded in the national economic rankings with the respective voting results for the AfD.

Dresden, the Saxon state capital, used to have one of the leading economies in Germany. Today, many of the locals feel as though they have been left behind economically – even though the region in eastern Germany is a leader in terms of innovation and income growth.

Image: Michael R. Hennig (DML-BY)

AfD on the rise in regions in decline

»We found that the AfD received a relatively high share of votes in the areas that had fallen particularly sharply in the rankings,« explains Prof. Michael Fritsch. »While regions such as southern Saxony and cities such as Bautzen and Dresden had some of the strongest economies in Germany – if not Europe – in the 1920s, they have suffered an enormous decline in economic importance over the years. Precisely in these areas, support for the AfD is particularly high, even when other potential factors behind voter behaviour are taken into account«. The same, applies, for example, to the Ruhr area and the city of Duisburg, which shows that such phenomena are not limited to eastern Germany.

The team of researchers from the University of Jena emphasizes that the comparison of a voter's own status with other regions clearly plays a decisive role, because prosperity has essentially increased in all regions. »Income in southern Saxony has increased since German reunification and the region plays a leading role within eastern Germany in terms of innovation, income growth and start-ups,« says Michael Fritsch. »But the location's decline from a leading economic position to the bottom quarter of the rankings is leaving its mark on the region's self-perception and making the locals feel more left behind than they actually are«.

The level of resentment felt throughout the region is obviously more pronounced when one knows that there have been much better times in the past. The decision to vote for a right-wing populist party is also an expression of this frustration.

Industrial monuments as a reflection of a prosperous past

The perception of a region's own decline seems to be anchored in a form of collective memory. The team of experts from the University of Jena chose an unusual method to show the strength and vividness of a region's memory of former times: »We related the presence of industrial monuments to variables that indicate economic decline over the past 90 years. It turned out that the decline effect we had observed was stronger in the regions that had a particularly large number of such memorials,« says Dr Maria Greve, who was also involved in the project. »In places where people are acutely aware of their prosperous past in a way that has a strong influence on regional identity, there is a very clear correlation between perceived decline and the electoral success of right-wing populists«.

By looking into the past, the researchers want to show the importance of studying data from a broader time frame if you want to get to the bottom of phenomena such as the rise of right-wing populist parties in Germany and Europe. »It is important to note that we analyse current situations and developments not only with an eye on the post-war period or the upheaval surrounding German reunification - we also look further back in history,« says Dr Michael Wyrwich from the University of Jena. »This can sometimes reveal decisive events that explain phenomena, as well as role models that can be used politically to create a new regional identity«.


Original puplication:

Long-term decline of regions and the rise of populism: The case of Germany, Journal of Regional Science 2022, DOI: 10.1111/jors.12627External link

Michael Wyrwich, Prof. Dr